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Cool game and neat idea but it needs to polish and nothing else to say good job

Glad you liked it I will definitely improve it in future

(4 edits) (+1)

It needs a lot of polish, but it's a nice start.

Off the top of my mind, there's a few I can think of:

- Add some audiovisual feedback for when the barn takes damage. As it is, the only way to see if it took damage is to look at the number.

- Some audiovisual feedback for reloading would be nice too. Just a sound effect, and the ammo count flashing somehow (just make the ammo count get big then small again, that should work).

- The music just stops after a while instead of looping. That is rather jarring.

- Opening the barn screen clears all enemies on screen for free, which makes the game rather easy. Look into preserving the shooter scene when opening the barn scene.

- If you leave the barn screen with 0 ammo, the game allows you to shoot anyway, which puts the ammo in the negatives and allows you to shoot indefinitely.

Thanks for your feedback


Well it needs to be polished, I like the artstyle and music though
