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howdy! i like this game, its pretty interesting gameplay wise, my criticism is that there isnt enough game juice or impact, like particles upon enemy death and a flash or other indicator for when the player takes damage, and that there should probably a bit of a buffer or indicator before enemies spawn since they spawn pretty randomly and its kinda hard to react to them, but overall this has neat potential!


sound added


Your game is cool but you know what you should add more feedback and juice although the game is so cool 

Thanks for your positive response


Such a cool game you should add mobile support

I will try, thanks for your feedback


this game is so addictive with this beautiful music

Thankyou for your positive feedback



(3 edits) (+2)

Really cool game ! Here are some suggestions (In order of importance according to me):

1. Add some sort of warning at the position where an enemy is going to spawn, it will make it easier to get away from them and not accidentally run into one when moving away from another.

2. Add more feedback for when the player is hit, right now the screenshake is just not enough imo (Maybe add something like a red overlay to the screen?)

3. Add more juice to the enemy death (Purely aesthetic, but it will improve the overall quality of the game)

4. There is also an option to imbed the .pck file in the .exe in Godot, using this is probably a good idea.

Good luck !

P.S What does the Confusion effect do ?


Thanks for your suggestion really helpful


That will reverse the gravity


hey bro just updated the game and thanks for your feedback